
Ms Weaver

Page history last edited by sweaver@... 13 years, 3 months ago




Welcome to AGI Health and Physical Education

                     Mrs. Sarah Weaver           


    "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude" 

- William James 



I am excited to be a part of the AGI Health and Phys. Ed. team!  In 2004 I graduated from Oxford High School and continued my education at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. While there, I officiated intramural basketball and softball for their Student Life Department.  I also spent two years working with the Council for Exceptional Children reaching out to children with special needs through sports and games.   After two years at Liberty, I transferred to West Chester University where I earned my bachelor's degree in 2008.  At West Chester, I continued officiating intramural basketball and softball as well as volunteering with the West Chester University Adapted Physical Education Program.  This is my third year of teaching Health and Physical Education. I hope to use my education, experience, and passion for teaching to encourage students to embrace a positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle.




If at any time you have a question or a concern, feel free to contact me at sweaver@avongrove.org









*Each day students are expected to complete the following warm-up circuit when they arrive to the gymnasium.









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